Coconut cream

Coconut cream

Universal coconut cream has a very subtle taste and is suitable for cakes and various desserts. It can be made with only three basic ingredients.

Ingredients for coconut cream

  • 200 g cream 30-42%*
  • Four tablespoons of fine sugar
  • Four full tablespoons of canned coconut milk**
  • Optional: a spoon of your favorite liqueur, a few drops of any fragrance or extract, e.g., vanilla

Coconut cream for cakes

Given the ingredients, you will get about 350 grams of cream, enough to cover a small cake with a diameter of up to 20 cm.

The fattier the cream you choose, the shorter the whipping time. Additionally, the cream will be more compact and stiffer. The lightest one is made from 30% sweet cream.

Take only coconut extract onto a spoon, not the transparent milk. When buying canned coconut milk, pay attention to the ingredients. The higher the percentage of coconut extract, the better. I always look for one that is around 75% or higher. The coconut mass must be white. It can’t be grey.

The cream should be cooled very well before whipping. Just whip 36% or 42% cream taken out of the fridge. With 30% cream, it is worth placing it together with the bowl in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Start whipping the cream first at the lowest speed, then at higher speeds (otherwise, you will spray the entire kitchen). Once it thickens, you can start adding sugar. After each teaspoon, beat the cream until the sugar dissolves completely. Mix all the sugar in this way. Add coconut milk and beat for another minute. If you add any liqueur or flavor, pour it with coconut milk at the end.

Tip: If you use 36-42% cream, you can use powdered sugar instead of fine sugar.

I used 30% cream for my cream because I wanted a delicate cream for layering the tops; see sponge cake with poppy seeds.

If you want the cream to gently penetrate the dough (moisturize it), use it before it is cooled in the refrigerator, i.e., immediately after whipping. It is then creamier and less compact. After cooling, the structure of the cream becomes more buttery, and it will create nice layers that will clearly separate the individual layers of the cake.

In the photo, the cream was used immediately after whipping to penetrate the poppy seeds while avoiding additional cake saturation.

Enjoy your meal.

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