The simplest and perfect recipe for chocolate icing is this one! Only three ingredients and a preparation time of five minutes. It always turns out delicious. The icing works great as a filling for tarts on cakes, cakes or muffins.
Ingredients for the chocolate butter icing
- Half a stick (100 g) of butter
- One 100 g bar of dark chocolate
- One bar of 100 g of milk chocolate
- Ingredients for cream-flavored chocolate icing
- 150 g, or almost half a glass of 30% cream
- 150 grams of dark chocolate or cocoa
Chocolate icing
Below is the basic recipe for butter icing. Finally, here is the recipe for the chocolate and cream icing.
A large cake or cake with a diameter of 25 cm can be quickly spread with 300 grams of thick chocolate icing made from these ingredients. At least 60% of the chocolate coating should consist of the highest quality milk and dark chocolate. Instead of real butter, you can use 100 grams of coconut oil.
Chocolate icing
Place the ingredients in a medium pot. Put 50 grams or half a stick of butter into the pot. Set the pot to the lowest power level and place it on the burner. The butter should melt gradually.
Tip: Instead of butter, you can use the same amount of coconut oil.
Meanwhile, cut both types of chocolate into small pieces. 100 grams of excellent milk chocolate and 100 grams of excellent dark chocolate, with a minimum content of 60%.
You can remove the butter from the burner when the butter has completely melted. Place both types of chocolate in a pot with heated, non-boiling butter.
Now you need to mix gently and carefully with a spoon. Stir the chocolate into the butter for two minutes until it melts completely and forms a thick glaze.
The chocolate coating will be thinner the warmer it is. It will begin to thicken as the temperature drops. Warm chocolate frosting tastes good sprinkled on cakes and cupcakes. You can also fill a sweet tart with this cream.
Inscriptions and patterns can also be made with dark and milk chocolate icing soaked in butter. After covering the cake with a thin layer of icing, put it in the fridge for a few minutes. After the glaze hardens, you can apply a second layer, e.g. with patterns or waves.
And finally, a simple, two-ingredient recipe for chocolate frosting. It’s a creamy-chocolate-chocolate frosting. To prepare it, put 150 grams of 30% whipping cream (very thin) into a pot and cook over low heat. Add 150 grams of chopped or broken dark chocolate when the cream is heated but not boiling.
Remove the pot from the burner and stir carefully. At first you may think that the chocolate is trying to avoid mixing with the cream or has curdled. However, over time the glaze will become smoother and more consistent. This may take many minutes. If the chocolate is melting too slowly, restart the burner on the lowest setting. To get a solid addition, simply cook the entire mixture. You keep whisking with a wooden spoon.
Tip: It is recommended to use a fresher cream with a longer expiration date. Choose only the best dark chocolate available.
Enjoy your meal.